So what if I didn't shower until 1:30 this afternoon?
At least I exercised this morning!
So what if my kitchen is a mess?
My children are happily coloring with one another.
So what if we didn't have a balanced meal for lunch?
My children were incredibly proud of the mac & cheese they made, complete with strawberries.
So what if my laundry didn't all get folded?
I spend nap/quiet time grading because I am so fortunate to have a full time online job that I treasure!
So what if I waste away my afternoon at the park.
No such thing as "waste"ing away an afternoon in the park because I'm playing with my kids.
FHE was a delight. Reading stories from the Friend, having ice cream, and watching a movie together. The kids LOVED it!
My handsome bacon-bringer was home in time for dinner!
P.S. Did you know that Sariah starts kindergarten in the fall?
I couldn't be more happy for her. She's going to love it!