Sunday, June 8, 2008

No longer a baby

Sariah will be 11 months old on the 16th, and she's truly no longer a baby. She's WALKING!!!

Now...usually, kids will flirt with walking for a while before they do it. They'll cruise, push things around the house, and eventually try to take a couple of steps.

Sariah cruised.

She pushed her little scooter all over the house.

But taking a couple steps? NO WAY.

She just walked right across the living room floor!

I wasn't home because my sister was having a baby so I was there for that experience (girl, 6 pounds 15 ounces, BEAUTIFUL and all are doing wonderful).

Jared was there and grabbed the camera! Go baby, go!


Tia said...

WOW! We've only been out of the ward for 5 months and she has changed so much! I can't believe that she's not a little newborn anymore!

Carlie said...

i love her little sound effects too. you are right-- no more baby. she is a real-life big girl now.

Jen said...

So cute. That is so amazing that she just took off like that and didn't stop. She must have been practicing behind your back. :) I missed Reagan's first real walking alone experience. We were in the temple for a wedding, and she just took off across the waiting room floor for a complete stranger. They grow up so fast. She is adorable.

Jason and Amy said...

Sariah your amazing! She is walking like a champ, WOW! Guess its time for baby number 2 :)