Is it sinking in yet?
I've known for 6 weeks, and I'm still not sure it's sunk in!
I am due JULY 1. Sariah was born on July 16. These babies will be almost exactly 2 years apart! Help!
I thought I'd post a few more details to help you better understand what's going on.
When I was 14, I was diagnosed with PCOS, which stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. My cysts constantly produce cysts. Most of them are harmless. Over the last few years, I have had 2 pretty significant cysts removed. One was the size of an apple. PCOS is very common among overweight women.
When Jared and I wanted to start a family, I got pregnant almost immediately. However, shortly after I discovered I was pregnant, we lost the baby. For the next 2 years, I tracked my cycle and learned almost everything there was to know about human reproduction and how the female system works. While I was in school, I took a class detailing human reproduction. BEST thing I ever did because it was in that class that I figured out what was going on. (For details on how I figured this out, see the bottom of the post).
I wasn't making enough progesterone. Progesterone is the hormone that allows a fertilized egg to implant. Without enough of it, there won't be a pregnancy. You can still have a fertilized egg, but it will not implant.
I talked to my OB/GYN and she said she couldn't help me in this area - I needed to see a fertility specialist. We did. I have to admit, he was pretty impressed that I had diagnosed my own fertility problem! I started some progesterone boosters and was pregnant within a couple months. Sariah!
Now it's this summer. I have made a commitment to lose weight before I get pregnant again. We were going to THINK about having another baby and start the progesterone boosters in the spring. This would give me almost a good year to lose weight. Thankfully, I am a healthy person. No high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes...nothing typically associated with being overweight. I wanted to keep it that way. I started to lose...and kept track on my blog for all the world to see. I lost almost 25 pounds! Weight Watchers says that losing 10% of your body weight gives you almost all of the health benefits of losing all your weight. 25 pounds was way more than my 10%, but little did I know what kind of benefits it was already starting to have!
I haven't been on birth control for about 4 1/2 years...even when I WAS keeping track of my cycle, I couldn't get pregnant.
Lo and behold, losing 25 pounds was enough for my body to kick in and start regulating the hormones on its own. At least enough for me to get pregnant. All of those thoughts I posted yesterday was EXACTLY what was going through my mind the day I found out. I really could not believe it. I didn't want to get my hopes up that I was actually pregnant, so I kept thinking there really wasn't a 2nd pink line.
As soon as I found out, I raced to the fert doc to check my hormone levels. All looked good. They did ultrasounds every week to make sure things were progressing as they should, and checking my hormones weekly.
Then one week, my levels had dropped significantly. Had they dropped one point lower, I would have had a miscarriage. I went back in that afternoon for a booster, and the fert doc put me on a progesterone supplement (pill form). I now go every 2 weeks, get an ultrasound, and get my blood drawn.
When I hit 12 weeks, I can be turned back over to my regular OB/GYN. I love her. She is amazing, and I just love her. However, when I go, I'm going to ask her about her thoughts on a midwife. I know she'll be honest and won't be offended.
When I had Sariah, my doctor was part of a large practice. Now, she's on her own.
My labor and delivery with Sariah was quick and everything went really smooth - but the doctor on call did things that I didn't think were necessary. She gave me an episiotomy before Sariah was even crowning and before she really knew I needed it. When I was ready to push, the nurse didn't want to check me because I'd only been in labor for 5 hours and didn't think I could be complete that quick with my 1st baby. Thankfully, the doctor walked in right after that, checked me, and Sariah was born 3 pushes later. I didn't like being confined to the bed, laying on my back, with a needle in my arm.
On the other hand...there's a brand new women's center in the hospital with birthing tubs and new nurses that specialize in natural birth. Maybe now that my doctor's on her own, it will be different. It's a tough decision and I'm still working on it. Any thoughts?
I feel GREAT. I am so sorry to all of those who are reading this that are sick through their pregnancies. I don't get sick. I get tired, and a little queasy at night...but I generally feel great through my whole pregnancy. I look forward to being pregnant, feeling this baby move, and finding out if it's a boy or a girl.
So this is really long! You asked for details, Amy! =)
I'm not going to post bare-belly pictures. I am a woman who has stretch marks. I don't care that I have them...Jared doesn't care that I have them. However, I want us to be the only 2 people who see them. I will post pictures of me as I'm growing, but they won't be of a bare belly! (I did put on my jeans a week ago and couldn't get them anywhere near closed. I cried.)
Stay tuned!
8 years ago
Thanks for all the details! I love hearing all the details of how people get pregnant and have babies :) That really is so amazing. I think I have told you but I also had progesterone problems and took that for about 5 or 6 months with nothing, then took that with clomid for 2 months and viola TWINS :) I also went in every week for the first 12 weeks or so and got blood and ultrasounds. I am so excited for you. 2 years apart isn't anything you cant handle :) Cant wait for Sariah to become a big sister and to watch your pregnancy progress. CONGRATS AGAIN!
So exciting!! I'm so glad you announced it! Oh, the blood tests, progesterone, etc. sounds all too familiar to me! :) It's so nice to be pregnant and not worrying about that anymore..until it's time to try again!
It's crazy how these things work! Just reminds me we're not really in control and these babies will come when Heavenly Father wants them to!
Yay for not being sick. I feel a little guilty about that sometimes, too, because I've had such an easy pregnancy. I think it's our reward for waiting so long and going through so much to have babies. :)
I'm so happy for you. It was meant to be.
You should get a midwife. I have loved the ones I have worked with. My opinion: Please get a Certified Nurse Midwife though, not a Lay Midwife and deliver in a hospital.
Oh my gosh!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!
WOW!! Congratulations!!! This is BIG news! WOW! Your last post cracked me up! I love your extremely descriptive thoughts! I can literally hear you thinking those thoughts! WOW!! I’m so excited for you and your little family!
Who is your doctor? Sorry I don’t have any advice on the birth I have yet to experience that. It does makes me feel good that I have less time left than you are pregnant. I’m glad you have good pregnancies (because it’s not my favorite thing). Keep us updated!
Seriously...WOW! You’ve left me practically speakless... ;)
Congratulations! Another adorable baby to add to your family. :)
So wonderfully exciting! Thanks for sharing.
Amber, I am so excited for you guys! Congratulations. I loved reading your story. Heavenly Father really is in charge. It is so neat to see how he helps us and sends children when we need them and not always when we think we want them.:)
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