This is my favorite show. It is so inspiring, and gives me great ideas on how to step up my own workout. My favorite part of the show is the last few moments when they show the eliminated player and the progress they have made since leaving the show. I love seeing the satisfaction on their face as they realize that they can do it at home, too. They are strong, and they have accomplished something major.
Last summer, I decided I was going to be my own biggest loser. I stepped on the scale (which I hadn't done in years), and teared up as I saw the number. Getting over my pity party, I wrote the number down.
25 pounds lighter, I found myself pregnant. Whohoo! But, my journey would have to wait.
Once I had James, I stepped back on the scale. My baby weight was gone, as was about 5 additional pounds. I wrote that number down, and that is where I started in July. July 26 to be exact.
TOTAL weight lost: 41.6 pounds since my initial weigh-in last summer.
As I watched the season premier last night, each contestant told their story. We all have reasons for being overweight, and letting those reasons go is one of the keys to losing weight and keeping it off.
One contestant sobbed as she told of the car accident that took her husband, her 5 year old daughter, and her 3 week (I think) old son. All of her immediate family and those she cherishes most, gone. Just like that. I sobbed with her, as did many contestants, and as I'm sure millions watching did.
But then I had a thought. If she can do it - she who has reason to give up and not fight - then so can I.
So here's to a new season - for these contestants, for me, and may it be a new season for all of you in whatever category you choose to have a new season in!
9 years ago
Thank you for sharing! Good luck to us all. :) *hugs*
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