Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Update on Adam and Erin

A lot of you know my brother and his wife who are living in Louisville. Adam is in his 3rd year of law school.

On Sunday, a tornado hit Louisville, and surrounding areas. It hit while they were at church. The bishopric stopped church and sent everyone home. There are more than 13 million people without power, and here is an update on how Adam and his family are holding up, along with some lessons I have learned from their experience.

UPDATE: On Sunday, Adam had to drive 70 miles to find ice to pack their perishables in!! Whatever was not spoiled by Monday evening, they were going to BBQ. Adam said as he was driving, all the gas stations had lines of more than 100 cars.
LESSON: Always keep your car's gas tank at least half full (which has been recommended by providentliving.org).

UPDATE: They are living off their 30 day supply of food.
LESSON: Have AND MAINTAIN a 3 month supply of food (which has been recommended by providentliving.org).

UPDATE: There is NO ELECTRICITY. The grocery stores are running on generators and back-up sources of power. You can buy groceries, but only with cash (ATMs aren't working because of no electricity, and the debit/credit machines at the stores don't work because of no electricity).
LESSON: Always keep a stash of cash in your house somewhere for emergencies like this (yet again, recommended by providentliving.org).

UPDATE: It will take an estimated 10-14 days for the power to be restored.
LESSON: Have a stash of flashlights, batteries, and candles ready for emergencies (um...recommended by providentliving.org?).

UPDATE: You can't read by candle light, and there's only so much you can do after dark. After a while, the family is bored so they just go to bed!
LESSON: Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise (recommended by D&C)!

UPDATE: Adam STILL had SCHOOL on Monday!
LESSON: The world has to end in order for school to be canceled.

UPDATE: Carter has set up a tent in their living room because he says it feels like camping.
LESSON: Live in the moment with your children (recommended by Stefanie, who didn't want to be a "basket head mom").

It's amazing to me. What have we been told to have in order to be prepared for an emergency situation such as this? Thankfully, Adam and Erin are FINE and have everything they need BECAUSE THEY LISTENED AND HEEDED.

I'm sure they could use our thoughts and prayers. I'll post another update as soon as I have one!


Carlie said...

wow, i would so be toast. seriously. i know both are cars are currently at 1/4 tank, i never carry cash, our food supply would hardly last 2 weeks and i'm not sure i own a flashlight. maybe i do, but batteries are a different story.
i feel the 'school still in session' drama. NAU had to have the blizzard of the century to cancel classes.... even then it was only the afternoon ones.

Aubry Wilkes said...

You are so clever, sis!

Adrian said...

WOW!! I had no idea! Way to plug food storage and being prepared!!!! I'm not completely ready, but this is a big motivator!