Sunday, March 2, 2008

Baby "stuff" Showdown

*** DISCLAIMER: Everything stated in this post is strictly my own opinion.***

Over the past few months, I have done quite a bit of research on the best baby products and what have worked best for me. As a scientist, the natural thing for me to do is run all kinds of experiments to see which products hold up the best or accomplish their task with the greatest efficiency. Being a working mother, I haven't had time to do so. Therefore, I have come to these conclusions from my own personal experience, and are based on my own personal opinion.

Knockdown #1: Diaper Genie vs. Diaper Champ
Winner: Neither

I tried both of these diaper/odor-containing contraptions and I am not a fan of either one! The bags don't fit right, the odor didn't stay put, and the re-fills were expensive. My remedy? Put the poopy diaper in a plastic grocery bag (because we have a million of them in our pantry anyway!), tie the end in a not and throw it away. They don't stink because they hold the odor very well, and I don't have to spend money on the re-fills!

Knockdown #2: Enfamil vs. Similac Formula
Winner: Enfamil

As a new mother, I wanted to nurse with all my heart. I had these visions of me bonding with my child while I was nursing. However, after 4 days of waiting for my milk to come in, we quickly realized that my body wasn't producing any. It is due to me having a condition called PCOS, which doesn't allow my body to produce milk. After a few tears, I came to grips with the reality and went searching for the formula that would be best for Sariah. Enfamil quickly became the winner because it was less stinkier, didn't stain as bad, and made Sariah's bowels very regular. Similac caused some excessive spit-up and gave her diarrhea. I am sure it is different with every child, but Enfamil is my favorite.

Knockdown #3: Huggies vs Pampers diapers
Winner: Both!

You might be asking yourself why I chose both. Well, they were great for two different reasons. When Sariah was first born, I preferred the Pampers. They're softer, snugglier and held things very well. Since I was changing her diaper with every feeding, the amount of "stuff" the diaper could hold didn't really matter. However, as she got older and started sleeping through the night and having fuller diapers in the morning, the Pampers just didn't hold enough. That is when I switched to Huggies, which hold more than the Pampers and are GREAT for a little girl who is on the go all the time. They're flexible and keep her nice and dry.
Knockdown #4: Pampers vs. Huggies wipes
Winner: Huggies Wipes

Hands down, the Huggies win! They are more like cloth, are thicker and easier to handle with 1 hand. I use the sensitive kind because they don't have excessive perfumes or alcohol on them.
Knockdown #5: Playtex vs. Avent bottles
Winner: Avent bottles

The tick-marks stayed in place longer, Sariah didn't have as much gas with them, and the plastic held up better in the dishwasher. The only downside is that if the cap isn't screwed on just perfectly, they will leak. It took a couple of trials to get it right. Once we did, they worked great!

Knockdown #6: Baby Orajel vs. Hyland's Teething Tablets
Winner: Hyland's

I tried the gel, but I just couldn't figure out how to get it on her gums before she ate the darn stuff! The minute my finger went in, she sucked it right off. That's when my sister-in-law recommended these. These teething tablets are miracle workers! They are osteopathic, so I don't feel like I'm giving Sariah medicine. When she had 4 teeth coming in all at once, she was taking these every 2-3 hours (highest recommended dose) and was almost instantly happy. The second you put the tablet in the mouth, it turns to gel so there is no worry about choking. I would put 3 in, pop her pacifier in, and she would be happy as a clam!

Baby "stuff" I just won't be able to live without for number 2!

1. Baby Bjorn - Sariah HATED her carseat from the minute we put her in it. Once she got a little older, she learned how to tolerate it, at best. Because of that, we did our shopping, vacuuming, and putting on my make-up with her in the Baby Bjorn. She just wanted to be up and looking around, and hasn't stopped since!

2. Moby Wrap - THANK YOU SARAH! My friend Sarah sent me one of these right as soon as Sariah was born. It's the concept of a sling, but wraps all the way around you so you have your baby right up against your chest. It's about 20 feet long, so it wraps around you more than once...even me!

3. Heartbeat noisemaker. We put this little heartbeat noisemaker in Sariah's crib with her, and it soothed her almost instantly. When she was all bundled, the constant, rhythmic heartbeat probably made her feel like she was back in the womb. I have heard that these are also great for colicky babies.

4. Baby swing. I know some prefer a baby cradle, but I only had the swing and Sariah loved it. The rocking motion was very calming. She never really slept in it, but would be perfectly content for quite a while.

5. Jumperoo. As soon as I got this, it was Sariah's favorite thing! She bounced until her little heart was content. Now that she's crawling and on the move, she'd rather be moving around than bouncing. Fine by me!

6. Aveeno Deep Moisturizing cream. Sariah's poor little legs get so dry and have so much egsyma (spelling?) on them, and this was the only thing that worked. Plus, she loves the rub down after her bath!

7. Aquafor. Much better than any diaper rash cream I tried. 'Nuf said.

8. Robeez, or any other similar crib shoe. Cute, comfortable, and enough protection from the dry Arizona ground.

An update to come as she gets older!


Carlie said...

very nice scientific study! i agree with you on so many issues- no diaper pail can keep out the stinks, generic wipes you have to use twice as many, etc. we were using baby orajel for a little while, then someone told us that it actually hardens the gums, making it harder for teeth to come out! and, got to love baby bjorne. i thought it was too much to spend on a baby carrier, but we borrowed one for disneyland, and seriously, i have never looked back. it is still worth it at twice the price!
it seems like so much to buy for your first baby, but it's good to try everything out so you know what you really like!

Adrian said...

Fabulous post! It was so informative! Even though I don't even have a baby yet, I love hearing ideas of do's and don'ts from new moms!

Jason and Amy said...

I totally agree. Avent bottles, huggies wipes, no diaper genie things, pampers when they are newborns and huggies when they arent. keep the research coming so i know what i need when the babies get bigger

Franklin Family said...

Haha, Amy, you got it! I'll let you know what paper towels clean up spills the best, what sippy cups don't break when they're thrown on the floor, what bribes work the best for calming a temper tantrum, etc...